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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I have a headache THIS BIG...in my vagina (Round Ligament Pain)

Random body change # 2,001,999: Vaginal headaches

Beginning around the 20th week of pregnancy, most pregnant women begin to experience one of the most uncomfortable pains of pregnancy - the pain that I like to refer to as "the vaginal headache". The medical term for the "vaginal headache" is "round ligament pain" and it is the result of your uterus expanding and putting pressure on the bones that support your pelvis and hips. But to me, it's more appropriately called the "vaginal headache" because similar to normal headaches - they come out of nowhere, will make your pooch throb with pain for an hour (and not in the good way), and oftentimes nothing - not Tylenol, warm compresses, or bags of frozen vegetables - will help.

Often times this pain comes after long periods on your feet and just when you find a place to sit down and relax - POOF! Here comes the vaginal headache. Other times, it comes after long periods of sitting and just when you decide to get up and stretch - POOF! The vaginal headache is back. Ironically enough - stretching does help but I have found that even when I stretch for too long -- POOF! Here comes that beyotch the vaginal headache coming back for more...

After several futile attempts to find something that would help (i.e. sitting on my yoga ball, doing the tootsie roll, and putting frozen peas on my crouch), I resorted to purchasing a "maternity belt" - an apparatus that resembles a bullet proof vest for your belly. The "maternity belt" straps across your belly in three different ways and the idea is that it will transfer weight from your pelvis more evenly across your legs. While the jury is still out of the "maternity belt" -- I think I am starting to have a bit of a placebo effect cause as soon as I complete the 5 min process it takes to strap it on, I feel ready to go to run a marathon -- or at least walk around the block...

I'll keep you posted on whether this thing is working but either way, I'm keeping my stash of Tylenol, frozen peas, and my hot water bag close by.

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