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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Pregnancy Glow, Non-Constipation, and the Wolf Pack

Pregnancy really is a miracle. Out of 28 - 31 days in a month, a woman's egg can only be fertilized during a 2-3 days window. And even if a diligent little sperm gets to the quickly dying egg, there's a 50 percent chance that the egg won't fully begin fertilization and a chemical pregnancy, or early miscarriage will happen before a woman even misses her first period. Then when you add on the effects of cell phone radiation, fried foods, smoking marijuana, and using laptops on the ability of a man to produce healthy sperm... it's really no wonder that any of us are having babies nowadays.

So to have a life develop inside of you is truly a miracle...nothing short of an act of God.

During my blog vacation over the past 2 weeks, I have been coming to peace with my ever changing body, my impending responsibility of motherhood, and my anxiety over managing a marriage, motherhood, my dreams, and life.

First, I have accepted my belly. It's nothing against my sweet baby boy but for months my belly represented nothing but gas, gas, and more gas. But now, it represents the home of my little Teddy Graham, who gives me a kick or a flip after I drink a nice sugary drink to tell me that he approves and would like some more. I shine my belly up every morning with Shea Butter like the wheels on a Cadillac. And even when people in the hood say, "Ey gurl, you are fine but you MUST be having twins," I just smile and keep on my way.

Second, word on the street is that I have that "pregnancy glow"! People say it all the time now! I thought it was my 100% Pure African Shea Butter but everyone swears that I am glowing and not greasy. Either way, I appreciate that people think I still look pretty even though I have plenty of days when I feel like Shrek.

Third, I am grateful for the lack of constipation. I have heard horror stories about how pregnant woman get constipation and hemorrhoids and I am glad that God has spared my thus far.

Fourth, my Wolf Pack (previously known as my va-jay-jay) has now given me a reason to go to the spa again! My husband kindly asked that I "take care of my jungle" and I told him that I couldn't see it anymore. Luckily, this was the very excuse I was looking for to go to Bliss a few more times before I pop this baby out.

So life is gracefully moving along for all of us over here. Patrick continues to play golf during his Saturdays off, Capone continues to terrorize the other kids in the building, and Teddy continues to make his mommy eat and sleep several times a day. I am still trying to figure out what I want to do when I grow up buts something tells me that I am getting closer to figuring it out. I try to read my scriptures every day and as soon as I get into this prenatal yoga class - I will be actively working to maintain my mental, physical, and spiritual health. I continue to have my struggles but in those areas I try to at least strive for contentment. And everyday I tell myself two things...1) Life isn't perfect but it sure is pretty good and 2) If God is for me...who can be against me? Amen!

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